Your body is expression.
In order to create real, sustainable change, we need to start with the body because that is where we live. We work through touch, movement, listening, adjusting, sensing.
But your body today is also a manifestation, a snapshot of your entire lived experience.
From your inherited tendencies to what you had for lunch yesterday, the body carries within it daily habits, patterns of movement, previous injuries, postural adaptations, even belief systems.
Everyday movement practices like the way we walk, eat, breathe, study and take care of ourselves and each other, and activities like movement and active play SHAPE us into who we are as people. This happens through the solidification of our connective tissues (fascia) that make up our structure, our posture and breathing patterns.
So when we transform the body - giving it more mobility, self-support, stability, strength, fluidity - we work on the wholeness of our being. Experiencing ourselves with more vitality, more capacity to move and create what we want leads to new ways of thinking, new habits, new decisions, new ways of relating to others.
It leads to embodying our full potential: moving through the world with freedom, living from the inside out.

“The body is solid material wrapped around the breath.”
—ida rolf
I’m Csenge
I am a Structural Integration (Adaptive Bodywork) practitioner, yoga teacher, mover and visual artist, and founder of The Breathing Room, a studio for Structural Integration and somatic education in Tiohtiá:ke/Mooniyang, also known as Montreal.
“The Breathing Room” emerged from the feeling that we all need space and time for taking a pause; to listen carefully to the body and what it has to say, to be moved by it, to reorient, and integrate its messages and deep knowledge. It is a practical, physical container we can enter that affords space for somatic practices as much as a choice to take time to transform, to call forth full aliveness in your body.
I have always been a movement practitioner and an amateur athlete, but I distinctly remember a moment in my early 20s. Someone asked me how I was feeling in a stressful situation, and instead of replying quickly, I had the presence of mind to take a moment, only to realize—I had no idea. I didn’t know how to connect to and register my sensations and feelings in my body, even with all my experience in being in motion. Since then, I have committed to this relationship with my body through listening and resting in the moment-to-moment reality.
This ongoing listening practice is the foundation of my work as a bodyworker and somatic educator: supporting you in connecting to your body wisdom.
I have started my somatic practice with the breath and I constantly return to its power for revealing body-wide patterns of tension and instability, for transforming our range of movement, for regulating the nervous system, and creating a sense of wholeness in the body.
Once, a decade later I encountered the long-lasting effectiveness and intelligence of Structural Integration, I knew this was the modality I would train in and combine it with breathwork and movement education.
I am a board certified Structural Integration (Adaptive Bodywork) practitioner with 20 years of experience in the somatic field, a yoga teacher with over a decade long practice (Ashtanga Yoga), a student of Tom Myers (Anatomy Trains Structural Integration), a certified Move-in-Mind practitioner, a trauma-aware therapist with experience in Perceptible Breath, Functional Strength training, Pranayama, Continuum Movement and other contemporary movement modalities that I integrate into my SI bodywork sessions.
I feel honoured to support my clients in making the necessary adjustments toward a pain-free, aligned and wholesome life and feel changed by learning from each and one of them.
To know more, please get in touch to schedule a call with me.